2011年12月19日 星期一

[包包突擊糾察隊!] 到當代藝術館2013展覽現場突擊Second Soul Graphic Art團員們的大背包!

私底下這些藝術家們的生活總是不為人知想知道他們的背袋裡面到底裝了什麼私人小物嗎? 這可是跟個人品味與興趣息息相關的小線索喔! 特派員Meigo特別在深夜裡潛入當代藝術館,祕密突擊Second Soul團員們的包包,在SS團員們忙碌的穿梭佈置2013的展覽時,還特別大方的配合拍攝,真是非常感謝呢!別錯過! 現在就讓Meigo帶你們一探究竟,打開你們好奇的心,來看看這8位藝術創者包包內不為人知的祕密吧!!

突擊對象:Second Soul Graphic Art members
突擊時間:2011/11 深夜
編號1. Cowper Wang
* 突擊現場:當代藝術館(主要展間)
* 興趣: 工作,收藏古董傢具
* 專長:環遊世界同時…還是工作
* 隨身物品:
1. 超大M0851黑色背包
2. Porter錢包
3. 薄荷錠
4. 維他命(因為我超愛吃酸的,檸檬汁也是我的最愛)
5. 帽子(一定放包包裡,但不是每天都會拿出來帶)
6. Cano單眼相機
7. 粉紅逗貓棒鑰匙圈(雖然很娘,但鑰匙好找多了)
8. iphone手機

編號2. Bounce William  

* 突擊現場:當代藝術館(主要展間)
* 興趣: 畫畫,玩滑板
* 專長:創作,專業塗鴉藝術家
* 隨身物品:
1. Bounce專屬塗鴉貼紙
2. 代針筆組
3. 工業蠟筆,油漆筆
4. 噴頭
5. 自製改造鞋油筆
6. 粗的油漆筆
7. 噴漆
8. 扁筆
9. 包中包(工具包-將畫畫用具全都放在這裡面)
10. 手繪本

2011年12月10日 星期六


(Part 1 of 2)

I have only been in London for a year now, and I say only because I feel in this time I have only just scratched this town’s surface, culturally. When you arrive in a new town you receive a lot of information through a plethora of ways, but often what sticks with you are other people’s perceptions.

Comments such as:
‘ah, have you not been? You must go!’
‘I actually do not like it because of ... and ... reason’
‘I love that space’
‘I find them all rude there and stuck-up’
‘that’s miles away’
‘a little hidden gem’
 ‘they used to be extremely innovative in the work shown but seem to have lost that now’

And this is how I came to apply to the Salon Art Prize 2011 (http://www.salonartprize.com/) which is held at Matt Roberts Arts (http://www.mattroberts.org.uk/) on Vyner Street.